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Mira Flynn


Software & Data Engineer

About Me

Hello! I'm a recent graduate of Olin College of Engineering who is looking for software engineering or data management and analytics work. I'm a programmer with a wide variety of experiences, such as data science work, website and app programming, robot programming, and even social science research. I also enjoy playing guitar, listening to music, playing Wordle, and spending time with my friends.

Some of My Projects

Machine Learning Voice Training Tool

This project is to create an as-yet unnamed tool to assist transgender people in voice training. Voices have many factors that affect their perceived gender. Some, such as pitch, can be measured easily, and there are tools to measure and track pitch changes. Others, like resonance and vocal fry, are difficult or impossible to measure directly. I am creating an app to track all of these factors, using machine learning to model the characteristics that can't be easily measured. The app is still in development and not yet ready for beta testing.

  • • Discovered and researched a market opening for a better voice training tool focused on transgender people
  • • Developed a Convolutional Neural Network machine learning model with Python, Numpy, Pandas, and Tensorflow to model vocal pitch, resonance, and several other gendered vocal characteristics better than competing apps
  • • Developing an application in Javascript and React Native to publish


NHAT was developed by Olin College Students (including myself) as a Senior Capstone Project in 2023. National High Injury Network Analysis Tool (NHAT) is a free national tool that allows communities to generate interactive HIN maps and understand the relationship between safety, equity, and other contextual factors.

  • • Researched user needs and designed an application to fulfill them
  • • Developed an algorithm using OSMnx (OpenStreetMap data), NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and Shapely to find the most dangerous roads in an area
  • • Worked in a small team using an Agile development process
  • • Developed a full-stack web application using Flask interfacing with an AWS database

View Website

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Astronomy and Statistics Final Project

For our Astronomy and Statistics class, we had a project to do some statistical research given a dataset of lunar craters and write a scientific paper about it. I chose to research crater density at different latitudes of the lunar surface.

View Manuscript

Robot Built for Principles of Integrated Engineering Project

For our Principles of Engineering class, we had a project to build a robot. We decided to create a robot that draws without using a gantry system. I worked on programming a website to convert an image to instructions, and using those instructions to run the robot.

View Website

Shared Mobility Systems Research

In Summer 2020, I researched usage and equity of shared mobility systems in Providence, RI. We used R to analyze data from the systems, and created a Shiny app to allow Providence city planners to explore the data.

View Repository

COVID Data Science Project

For Data Science, our group decided to analyze racial disparities in COVID cases. We found a dataset with racial data on COVID cases, tests, and deaths, and analyzed its trends and uncertainly. We concluded that there are racial disparities in COVID data, but incomplete data could be obscuring more information.

View Report

More on GitHub


Technical Support Technician - Princeton Day School (October 2023 - Present)

  • • Support audio-visual systems during school events
  • • Troubleshoot computer software and hardware issues
  • • Manage computer hardware inventory and document use and disposal of old hardware

Data Analytics and Management Intern - Pfizer (June 2022 - August 2022)

  • • Determined which characteristics of the projects within the division were important for the division's leadership
  • • Designed and programmed an algorithm to process and visualize large amounts of project management data
  • • Developed a dashboard using Spotfire and Python to highlight the important characteristics I identified

Teaching Assistant - Data Science, Astronomy and Statistics - Olin College of Engineering (September 2021 - May 2023)

  • • Assisted in teaching probability and statistics, programming in R and Python, and effective visual communication of information
  • • Clarified probability and statistics concepts to students outside of the classroom environment
  • • Advised students when debugging code for assignments and projects
  • • Assessed student assignments for correctness, clear scientific writing, and effective visual communication of information

Researcher - Qualitative Interview-Based Research - Olin College of Engineering (June 2021 - August 2021)

  • • Researched how engineers process uncertainty in data with Professor Zach del Rosario
  • • Formulated an IRB-approved interview protocol and conducted interviews with engineering students
  • • Developed and applied a formal interview coding protocol
  • • Analyzed data and drew preliminary conclusions supporting the need for continued research
  • • Co-authored "A Qualitative Study of Engineering Students’ Reasoning About Statistical Variability" (2021)

Researcher - Shared Mobility Systems - Olin College of Engineering (June 2020 - August 2020)

  • • Researched equity in shared mobility systems for the City of Providence alongside professor Alice Paul
  • • Implemented a model of system demand and usage patterns in R using linear regression, decision trees, and multiple clustering algorithms
  • • Designed an application to visualize and explore our model using Shiny and Leaflet packages

Residential Resource - Olin College of Engineering (August 2020 - May 2022)

  • • Demonstrated leadership and initiative in helping others with personal, social, and academic needs, especially with first year students transitioning from high school to college
  • • Developed a sense of community despite distance learning and social distancing

My GitHub